
Next up? Minimalism.  
This is an exciting topic to me, one with many, many branches and sprouts growing off of it. I hope you'll explore it with me.

At the time that we moved from the first house we rented in Asheville to the apartment we are in now we threw out so much stuff I can't even begin to describe it all.  I wish there was a picture.  A 12 foot box truck would have been full.  And this was after a move just one year before!  Some of it was forced because of a moldy basement and some of it was baby things outgrown, but much of it was just too much stuff.  Too much!!

I am the type of person who remembers where almost everything in my house came from.  I know which of Anjali's clothes came from which person, I think of them every time she wears them.  I know who gave us the shower curtain for our wedding (10! years ago) and think of them when I see it.  I remember who sent each toy, where I bought each shirt and piece of fabric.  I think of many of these things and they make me happy each day to remember friends who are far away or moments that were wonderful.  I love that I think of my grandmother each day though she has been dead for 18 years because I have some of her things in my home.  

What I don't love is the accumulation that happens because of this.  My friend gave me a necklace that I don't wear but I keep it anyway. The redundant toys and clothes for the children that are kept because of the gift giver (or my child's hoarder personality. ;)

Since we live in a smallish space I am constantly editing.  There is always a paper grocery bag in the closet being filled with the excess and, about every week or two, I take it to the goodwill.  But still there is more, and in many ways, we feel like we don't have "enough."  We wish for more money or time or things.  But more and more I am feeling ready to let go.

I've started with my own closet.  Selling items that don't fit or work if I can.  Choosing only a single higher quality item if I need to replace something.  Simple items that can stand up over time (and getting them only at consignment type stores where I already have credit for selling my own clothes to keep the prices in check.)

This blog got me started thinking on this (interestingly enough.) Check out all the blogs in her series of wardrobe architect.  And then on a whim I bought this book the other day which I am thoroughly enjoying.  I have to check into the 333 project next.  And I've convinced a willing victim friend to join me this month in the Minimalist Game.
Want to play along?  I'll be documenting it on instgram.


Theotherjew said…
I have had the same impulse but made little progress. I did go through one room today and aside from getting stink bugs in the vacuum cleaner and setting up a stink-bug trap (all of things I had around the house: I only got to throw out a few items. We do have a pile for an upcoming rummage sale at church, so that stuff, including a fake Christmas Tree, will create cubic footage. I'll be waiting to hear how it works.

One of the things that I find attractive about walking the Camino de Santiago is that one lives for 5 - 6 weeks off what you carry on your back. A good exercise for sure.

PS: One thing we found, and are ready to get rid of, is a trunk of your stuff from some bygone era. Want me to Instagram the contents? ;) LY
Anilia said…
No thank you! I've lived without it this long, I am sure I can make it the rest of my life!

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