Hooray a Giveaway!

Happy 200 posts to me! I can't believe that two years ago I started writing this because I was wanting to craft and be part of the amazing crafting/blogging community I had discovered. These amazing, vivacious artists, mothers and creators. Everyday I would read their blogs and be blown away by beautiful pictures of wonderful things that they were creating. And they had other jobs like being mama or owning a shop. I was inspired!
And then we moved into this wonderful house and a month later Senor gave me a sewing machine. I was floored because it meant he believed I could really create something. My family and friends have always been supportive but this was somehow different. Senor has this almost magical ability to take my ideas and help turn them into reality.
Okay- before I diverge and wax on endlessly, let us just say, "And the rest is in my archives!" :)

Little a logo

I am also proud to present little a! My new business! For this moment I am only taking special orders (get them in early for holiday gifts!) but I hope that soon I will be able to get a shop together online. So if you are looking for a bag, small quilt, apron or anything else you have seen me make and want something just so lets talk! You can email me at littleanilia {at} gmail {dot} com.


But for today please leave a comment so I can send you these silly chickens with my pretty new logo (designed by Senor, of course)! They could live in your kitchen or bathroom since the back is made of terry cloth. Or put them anywhere else you might like to have them cheering you up. We will draw one winner from the comments and announce on Friday. Make sure you leave your name! Check back on Friday to see if you are the winner.



Anonymous said…
So cute! You know you can do anything you set your mind to. Your crafts are adorable. I want everything that you make.
Much love,
Anonymous said…
Go Little A!!
L,David G
jack said…
Good luck with your new endeavor! I have to say, I've continually been impressed with how creative you and Senor both are, in so many different arenas. I hope things go well for your shop :)

Don't bother putting me in the drawing, just wanted to express some support :)
Anonymous said…
Ooops that was a big A not a little a.
Anonymous said…


Missy said…
Congrats on your new buisness Anilia! I wish you much success!
Theotherjew said…
I wanted to be the first to say Congratulations! but life got in the way. In any case we are impressed with your detailed creations. Mom had a guess what your surprise would be but I felt it would be an announcement of your business, so I was righter.

Mom's guess was crazy seeing that you said it was related to something that came in the mail (I thought maybe business cards, close, eh?), but that was just her projecting her ideas on your behavior. As we all know, that does not work with kids named Anilia!

and the word is blangl
Mom B said…
What a cute and crafty idea... I am proud of you can not wait to see more.

I will get some orders together for you when you get started.

How about some red, white and blue knitted scarfs get me a price.

Mom B
Anonymous said…
So unique and whimsical. You are so talented! Love your label too. I am sure you will do well!
Laura K (aka Granny Lolo)
Indelible John said…
Hey how about you get cracking crocheting a cozy for our Scion? Then we can write it off as a business expense.
Anonymous said…
I wanna see more of your work! I love what I've seen already. Yeah for your new business. I'm so happy to have met you. Let's get together again soon.
I also happen to think you take very good photographs. The one of the bug in his little hat looking up at the camera is one of my favorites.
erica said…
Did you make that fabric on Spoonflower, or does Senor also have the magical ability to print designs on fabric in addition to printing every other kind of thing imaginable? ;)

You rock. Congrats on the business-- I can't wait to see what else you come up with! Put me in the drawing. And put Jack back in, even though he said not to put him in-- wives have the final say on this sort of thing.

My word verification is "nuers", which sounds like "newers", which sounds like something you and Senor would say, perhaps to the little Bug.
Claire said…
Anilia! This is so great. I love the chickens. I am so excited about the holiday swap:0
Mom A said…
Hey, knock em dead! or I guess not dead but out..or maybe just...very best wishes! And it is cocousso!
Little Apple said…
Congratulations! I love all of your work, simply adorable and clever. Especially the bug. : )
I would love to have those chickens. You know why? Because I have the red chicken fabric. I have 2 90% finished aprons made with it. So obviously my apron should coordinate with another piece. Please?
Unknown said…
Congrats! I love this idea and am sure of its future success. Put me down for a Smirky John doll!
Lcaribou said…
I know your man from days of Fandango! I've been reading blogs and being interested in creating things too. But, I haven't started a blog. I can't wait to see what you come up with. Congrats and good luck!
Sharon Lynn Now said…
Mazel Tov on this new endeavor. you know i would love everything you make :) Little a's taking it far far far !!!
Anonymous said…
Anilia, what a great idea! You are so creative and this sounds like a perfect way to spread your sense of style. Congratulations!
diber said…
Hey Anilia,

I've been meaning to get onto the internet onto your blog to comment! Since I read this ages ago on my phone (which is a pain to comment on). Congratulations, and I wish you the best satisfactions in your endeavors. Let me know when you're on Etsy. :)

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