The Plague

Last weekend, John was sick.  I even let him nap on Sunday afternoon, which means you know he looked really bad.  Pregnant mama's always have things for the papa to do right at the end...
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday E had a fever.  Friday I got it but E seemed better.  This morning E's turned into a horrible cough and by this evening his fever was back.  Luckily, I only had the fever for a few hours on Friday.
My mother in law came by Friday and brought soup and this stuff  which seems to have worked a miracle for me.  I am trying to get it into E too, but he is refusing everything but Hyland's Cough and Cold.  And now that he is wheezing we are using his inhaler too.
My friend wrote up this great blog for expectant mamas.  She has other great recipes all over her site, too.
We have to get rid of this.  I need to have a baby soon.


Theotherjew said…
"The preparation is derived from duck liver and heart, diluted to 200C—a ratio of one part duck offal to 10400 parts water.[2]"

Sounds right special, do I hear banjos?

Hope you all recover soon!
erica said…
Ron, I latched onto that phrase, too... but hey, if it works on the flu and flu-like crud, I would take it. :)

I'm glad to see you blogging so much! It's like a combo of nesting and needing to reach out to the people who aren't around... I can feel you so much in these posts. I miss you and hope the end of your pregnancy is beautiful, and SHORT!

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