{this moment}

ball flipbook, originally uploaded by Mr & Mrs Speeed.
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. From Soule Mama.

Have a lovely weekend, friends!


Phyllis said…
Oh,what a perfect moment. There is nothing like baby fascination. (Nice pants!)
this is so cute- We saw a ball like that one in Target the other day- They played with it while we were there!

Here is my moment:
have a great weekend.
Jayme said…
Oooooh, sparkly when I hold it up to the sunlight! Great moment! Thank you for sharing. Here's mine: http://creatinganaturallife.blogspot.com/2010/06/friday-moment_25.html
How sweet, and I like the pants!:)
MamaWestWind said…
Aw, wow! What great patterns in this pic.
Indelible John said…
I suspect those food bowls are not much longer for this world.
Danielle said…
Oh the ability to finally reach previously off-limit spaces, we know that too well around here. Just yesterday my little one discovered that he can FINALLY reach the top shelf of our built in china cabinets. Time to rearrange, again!
Kimberly said…
I adore this photo! My son took a similar stance today. So busy! So curious! Just little hams. :)
Anonymous said…
A lovely moment!

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