May Block- Dance

May Block- Dance, originally uploaded by Mr & Mrs Speeed.

I think it kind of looks like a head with the brain exposed. Dancing thoughts. I might be crazy though.

In other, completely insane crazyland, do you want to know what I am thinking of making while it is 90 degrees outside? A wool coat for E- the one by Oliver + S perhaps... Also, while adventuring in my folks neck of the woods I stumbled upon a yarn shop and bought about a million yards of merino silk blend gorgeousness. And so I have sweaters on my mind too. Um- can you tell me whats wrong with me? I am trying to think of it as planning ahead, but it is hard! The sweaty part of me thinks this is just plain nutty.

I am looking forward to this weekend being at home and finishing up a few things. We also are going to our CSA's potluck to open the season. I can't wait for all the goodness to come! Yum!


Theotherjew said…
Warm clothing acquired during hot weather runs in your family. One summer I was walking through the garment district in NYC, going who-knows-where and an irresistible blue wool, full length coat with a cape and red satin lining goes by on a rack. I had to try it on. It is hot and humid, but winter IS coming. So I buy it right 'off the rack' and after carrying it a few block just put it on and spend the rest of the summer day wearing it. I think it is still in a closet someplace...

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