A baby cape

baby cape

The last couple of weeks I have been working hard on a very special gift.  One of the pieces is this tiny baby cape.  Doesn't it just make you want to squeal a little in delight?

baby cape
It has been so fun making it.  Each and every stitch was made while thinking of tiny babies and tiny baby moments.  I thought of the Bug's birth and his first few months. I thought of  what it felt like to hold him for the first time, how the love almost knocks you down.  How you can't help but stare at them when you are supposed to be napping with them.  I thought of how good it felt to be a mama, so much simpler and more natural than I ever expected.  I would like to think I wove that into this sweet little cape and that it will somehow transfer on to the new mama who will be using it soon for her own special, perfect, divine little person.

baby cape
There are a few more items in this set, hopefully I will be back tomorrow with pictures. 


Mom A said…
So sweet. Taking those mindful moments and blogging them are a triple gift, to yourself, Emerson and your family..thank you...love ya.mwa

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