Some random bits


Some days it seems like it is raining even inside.  This was Papa's version of escapism on one of the more turbulent days in the first week.  Luckily, as routine begins again I think things are calming down.  The babymoon is over but I think it was more than anyone could really take.  (Except for the laying in bed part for me.:)


Here she is wearing the shirt E colored for her.  Probably for the only time.  We went to the doctor today and she has grown 2 inches and is up 5 oz from her birth weight.  I've already taken out the first round of clothes because she is out of the tinier newborn items.  So amazing how fast she is growing.  I feel like we may have also just hit that first growth spurt that means they eat around the clock for a day or two or three.  She has been so easy so far, just like E was, I remember being totally caught off guard when he decided that if he wasn't eating he was fussing around two weeks.  And then just as suddenly it is over and they catch up. I can't believe how fast it is going!


This is the fourth baby that has used this Moby.  I got it dirt cheap from a shop going out of business having no idea how it worked.  I used it with E, passed it on to my brother and sister-in-law for their son Dean, got it back and handed it over to my friend Beth to use with her boy, Max.  Now it gets to cart around a girl for a change. :)  I love this kind of wrap.  I got a woven this go round too.  When she is a little bigger I'll bust that out.  And the mei tai I made for E came back to me.  I love knowing multiple babies and mamas have used a carrier.  There is something really special in that.


And here she is in a mess of crochet on a chilly day last week.  This baby loves to be warm and is really enjoying all the wool.  Which just means I have to go get more yarn.


So Sweet! I love how all the carriers have been getting lots of love from numerous families. Very cool.

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