Because I am not really ready for full sentences yet:

Emerson day 3 and 4 001

A short list of thoughts

1. Two trips to the pediatrician in two days is too many. Emerson is a little jaundiced and he'll be fine if they would stop poking him.

2. I find myself wanting to do nothing but stare at him. No thinking, just staring.

3. I can't get over how thankful I am to the two women who stayed up all those hours with us during the labor. I always had someone whispering encouragement, holding my hand, prompting a question, pushing my hair back; whatever I needed. And I had known them prior to this for about an hour... Thank you Ellie and Christi!

4. Finally, I have the best husband on the planet. Because all I can keep up with is this tiny person and he isn't complaining about taking care of everything else.


Mom A said…
Okay- after checking and checking again- I think Dad and I will come up Sat the 9th and Dad can stay til the morning of the 13th, and I will stay until the morning of the 14th. I want John to be able to just stare thoughtlessly at the baby too.
cindy said…
Dude, you guys MADE THAT.
rodemas said…
he is GORGEOUS! and that hair! wow. i agree with cindy. dude. :)
JoannaP said…
I would stare at him too. New babies are awesome.
diber said…
SOAK IN that wonderful, wonderful babyness!!!

And...since you had a boy. Hooray! Do you want like a TON of baby clothes? I'm cleaning out and have a TON of nice stuff. I'd even drive them down to you just so that I could hold a newborn. *grin*
anilia said…
oh j'nette, I could never turn down that offer!!

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