Eggs and Soy
Last week I re-introduced eggs. At first I thought things were going well but as the week went on I noticed that I didn't feel very well. I'm a little surprised by that and plan to try them again at the end of adding in all the other things. Adding them on vacation was probably not ideal. The reaction was strong enough to keep me off them for the time being at least. I am glad I went back to the doctor and it came up!
Our trip was wonderful though, enough beach time for everyone without getting sunburnt and even some down time for the grownups due to the hotel's camp program. I'll never stay at another hotel for more than one night with out this feature again. Talk about brilliant. The cousins got to play and the parents and grandparents kicked our feet up for a few minutes without worry. Ahhh. It wasn't so hard to eat now that dairy has a green light. I did have a protein smoothie at least once each day (but I have them almost that much when I am home now too.)
This week is soy! Oh yes, I've missed tamari and the option of tofu and edamame in particular as I love them when it is hot out as a snack (and so do both kids!)
Woooohoooo! This is week 3 of re-introducing items. Only 6 more to go. (Ha!)