Self Care: Saving Face

I had to use the pun.  You'll forgive me, right?

A few months ago I read an article about using an unexpected oil to wash your face.  Castor oil.  It talked all about how it sucks the yucky stuff out of the pores and leaves you with soft smooth skin.  It also mentioned that it can be over drying and it was good to mix it for most people with something else.

I immediately thought of honey. I've been using honey off and on for a few years in my skin care regime. It has never seemed like quite enough on it's own.  I have combination skin that tends to be congested. But the last year I see that it is starting to look papery and thin.  In pictures I see an almost unrecognizable face.  I'm not still 17???

I don't fear growing older in most ways.  I don't spend much time in front of the mirror.  I do soul gazing, not skin gazing.  That said, I am human and so seeing the age on my face so obvious in the last year has been hard.  Lines subtly create a permanent appearance of unhappiness.  I know that part of the reason for this is unhappiness.  It has been a hard year with my son.  Harder than I could have imagined.  I've spent a lot of time scowling and pursing my lips and it shows.  I haven't found anything to take away those lines and I am working on feeling more joy and spending less time angry.  But in the mean time, I want clean, fresh skin and this combination gives it to me.

I use about a nickle sized squirt of honey and add just a drop of castor oil.  Rub it into your skin and then scrub off with a warm very wet washcloth.  It feels a little like polishing.  I follow up with either a drop of apricot kernel oil or an antioxidant lotion depending on my mood.  The apricot gives a velvety finish.

What are you using on your face these days?


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