Sweater Talk

You can tell that this has been an unusual year because the sweaters are coming in late.  I can't believe how long ago this one was completed.  Of course, that baby never came.  Instead this sweater graces our sweet Anjali Eirwen.  It does seem as if perfect for her.  I loved finishing it with miss matched buttons.  The mornings are already so very cool and delicious and one days like today, when the rain falls and the clouds make everything dark and grey, you want to sit all day with a cup of tea.  I am in need of some new teas without caffeine for the season.  Any recommendations? 

Her brother couldn't help but get into the photo shoot. :)  I have a long sleeved sweater in red and grey ready for her whenever I find the right buttons.  His is still a work in progress.  He gets bigger each year and the sweater takes so much longer now!  I used to do them almost all in a day.  I let him pick the colors this year for the first time.  Wait till you see it!


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