

On our trip we spent a whole lot of time just enjoying being outside together.  Three year olds don't care much about history.  They can hardly grasp "before" and "after."  They like trees, horses, tiny frogs and sheep though.  And ships and water.  That stuff is real, present.  If you want to know how to live mindfully just watch a three year old exploring a new place.  We're all looking for a specific place to see x, y or z and he is entertained by the ants marching under our feet.  The tiny frogs you would have totally missed because they are the size of your thumbnail.  And when it is time to eat?  "How about here?"
It is really magical.  We are caught up in so many thoughts that take us away from the present but a little child can't get out of the present.  Just try telling him he can play in the pool next week.  Go ahead and watch the melt down.  Because to him, next week doesn't yet exist.  And he is right.  All things change.  By next week there may be no pool, or no you, or no me, or no anything.  We take it for granite because we have so much experience that leads us to believe that tomorrow will come and it will be much like today.  But if someone told us we had two days left, would we be different?  Would we treat each other differently?  I think so.  I would dig down really deep to use every bit of patience I have.  I would be beaming love at everyone I came across.
This is how we should live everyday, though.  We should be in the moment, really see the smiles and the tears.  Feel the happiness and the sadness.  Love everyone.  Not just those who are kind or close to us.  Because wouldn't we all love to be loved no matter what?  Listened to even if we are rambling and nonsensical?  Appreciated even when we are worthless?


Very beautiful! Thanks for the reminder!
Theotherjew said…
At an early age I was taken to the Liberty Bell and Constitution Hall in Philly. At the end of the tour when the guide asked if there were any questions, I raised my hand.

She called on me, and I considered how to ask a very important question that she had not even mentioned in passing: "How did the founders of our nation use all these fire extinguishers I see all over the place here?"

She was speechless but the teachers and other parents helped me to understand that those devices were not there in 1775. I did not believe that, BTW. The place is obviously a firetrap. Maybe I have always been into preparedness?

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