Here's to Gear!

So yesterday Senor called me and said, "I've been in an accident but I am okay."
I came rushing out of work happy that I had happened to drive to work so I could leave right away and head over. He had taken the motorcycle.
He was alright. I mean, a crushed pinky finger tip and a hematoma or two, a torn ligament in the foot, some other cuts and bruises. But, you know, breathing, standing up and calling me means "alright" in my book.
He had full gear on, despite the heat or whatever other excuse you can come up with. And so all the skin is intact. Today he is very sore and tired. With more bumps and bruises coming up and to attention that was focused elsewhere yesterday.
Today is nap time.


Oh no! So scary. Cory dropped his motorcycle last fall a few blocks from our house. Some jerk tried to pull out in front of him and when C tried to swerve around he dropped it. Low speed accident so nothing more then a scraped knee, some bruised muscles and ego. Scared the crap out of me when he walked into the house, bleeding, a few minutes after he had left. Glad Senor is ok!
erica said…
Yikes! I'm glad he's okay and still has all his skin, and his brain and everything. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery!
Anonymous said…
Owee! Take good care of him.
anilia said…
Thanks everyone. We are taking it easy with lots of ice and propping up of parts...

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