Wellness Wednesday: Happy August!

Summer Sky.JPG

I'm excited to announce that August is here and with it is a little treat I've been working on for you all!  I have asked four of my favorite cooks to come and share with us.  So this month, in addition to Wellness Wednesdays there will also be guest posts every Thursday filled with delicious and nutritious ideas for you just in time for the weekend.  And wow are they good!  I can hardly wait to share them.

But let's not hurry this month along:  Let's make sure to take this last month of true summer with complete enjoyment.  Let's promise to get out there and make a little vitamin d every day.  Let's try to say "yes" more than we say "no."  Let's take a few moments at the end of each day and write down 3 things to be grateful for.

I'll be back tomorrow with the first guest post and recipes.


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