Guest Post: I scream!!

Cindy is one of my favorite people.  Full of passion and energy, she can be a force to reckon with.  Today she shares two amazing ideas for treats that will leave you satisfied and feeling good about yourself! 
What could be a more perfect summer treat than a frozen goodie? But let's skip the sugar-and-fat laden dairy-based products in favor of creative treats that taste great and give us a healthy dose of things that are good for us.

Homemade popsicles are the standard, sure, but I love something I can spoon out of a bowl, or drizzle with honey and nuts. Top with berries and mint. Or enjoy on its own for what it is. The following recipes are simple and quick, and involve basic, natural ingredients and a food processor.

banana "ice cream"

Banana Splitsville

I learned this one from a mom with a lactose intolerant child. Her kids love it so much, they don't even beg for ice cream out on the road because it's "not as good as mom's." Three cheers for that, right?

Toss a banana or two into the freezer without the peel. Freeze until the banana is solid.

Remove from freezer, cut it up into large chunks, and put into a food processor. Whirl, whirl, whirl until the banana is the consistency of, you guessed it, ice cream! It will begin to form a ball and roll onto itself.

Scoop into a bowl and top with chopped nuts (I like walnuts), drizzle with honey, and sprinkle with cinnamon. Delicious and fun for everyone! You can even dress this one up a bit with a fresh cherry on top. Berries, sprinkles, whatever your heart desires.

blueberry "ice cream"

Blueberry Sorbet

This one is a personal favorite because I am a berry freak. I love them, can't get enough of them, and blueberries are my favorite.

Start with any amount of frozen blueberries you want. In my opinion, the more the merrier but I usually stick to around 1 cup.

Whirl the berries in the food processor until they are the consistency of little pebbles. Remove from the processor and shape into a ball. Top with a little fresh mint and an optional touch of agave nectar.

{Cindy Stephens is a freelance and contact fitness instructor working in South Baltimore and its surrounding suburbs. She's an advocate for good health and happiness through proper nutrition, exercise, creativity, and spirituality. Visit her online journal at}


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