At 10 months~

068, originally uploaded by Mr & Mrs Speeed.

: Love books. Especially turning the pages.
: Full on crawl.
: Pull up on what ever.
: Crawl up to the dog and open your mouth for a make out session. (Eww!)
: Choose papa when there is the option.
: Wake up happy and crawl out of bed to play.
: Wake up sad and crawl out of bed to come find us.
: Are so excited about moving you can't be still enough to get to sleep sometimes.
: Just learned "high five!"
: Walk holding fingers until you're exhausted.
: Make magic birdy hands.
: Want to stand up in the bath tub to terrify your parents.
: Have the top two teeth coming in and making you very sad.
: Do downward dog but don't know where to go from there.
: Try to give Zo your food and laugh hysterically at her.
: Have a cold :(

*I can't believe how fast time is moving. I am already making plans for your first birthday celebration. (Friends- save the May 1st for the party!) How can this be true??? Your papa and I feel so blessed to have you in our lives sharing your smiles, triumphs and tears. And know there are a lot of others who feel the same way about you.*


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