Baby quilt in a baby nap


After the last post I got two emails in quick succession suggesting that having E facing forward was not a good idea and after looking at the information I see that is indeed the case. Problem is, with it being not getting much above freezing outside here the last few weeks it takes a shoehorn and a foot to cram him into the infant seat and still have enough clothes on not to freeze.


Solution, a blanket!! And while I could have gone and purchased a zip off kind of thing it would be made of polyester and then I would be worried about him over heating during a melt down (which the car seat tends to cause if the stars are not in proper alignment.) I'd been thinking about making this anyway and this just forced my hand.


The unbelievable part is I made this and am now posting during one nap. Is it without bumps and ripples? No. Did I sew the binding by hand? No. Is it perfect for being wrapped in to and from the car and then snuggled into in the car seat? YES!
Recognize that flannel?

The jumping legs are just for fun.


erica said…
Amazing! I love the spaceship fabric, and I'm starting to wonder if there's anything that piece of flannel *can't* do. ;) Great solution!
diber said…
can you turn his "big boy" car seat rear facing. We still have M rear facing in a seat that he'll eventually sit fwd facing.

the quilt is way fun!
anilia said…
Sadly the chair does not install rf. I am not sure what we will do when the time comes I can't get him into the infant seat even greased and naked but I don't have to make that choice right this second. There are now only little scraps of that flannel so who knows how we will see it used next. It has now been in use for 2.5 years...
Also, I <3 rocketships.
Mom A said…
Love the rocket ships and jumping feet.

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