Things I have completed...

1. This quilt which I started last summer. I had been not finishing it because I was afraid of cutting and binding it. The the other night I came home and just did it. It isn't perfect, but it is now on our bed adding a little extra warmth instead of wasting away in a bin, waiting for me to finish it.

napkin quilt

napkin quilt

2. This baby blanket which I started crocheting when I was like ten weeks pregnant. Now the baby can come because it has a mama-made blanket...

crocheted baby blanket

crocheted baby blanket

3. And speaking of the baby.... It is complete as well. I hit 37 weeks and so I am considered "full term". That means the baby is welcome to come whenever it is ready. Yay for baby!

37 weeks


diber said…
that is one good looking belly! :D
Cindy said…
I'm so excited! I can't wait to meet the Micro Hornsby and anything I can do for you guys after the big arrival, let me know.

I'll cook anything your little-Anilia heart desires. Anything!
erica said…
Yay for bellies! That is one sweet blanket, and I just love that quilt, too. I understand being afraid of certain crafty/sewing things, but kudos to you for conquering your fear.

Also, I'm really glad to hear the baby dropped! I remember waking up one Saturday morning when I was about 8 months pregnant and thinking, "WOW, I can breathe again!"
BetseyU said…
Your needlework is beautiful - and so is your belly! I'm glad to see you all are doing so well :)
Mom A said…
Oh what a beautiful belly.
Unknown said…
Best of luck to you, your family and your new bundle, We have a new grandson coming July 9, First son.

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