The Weekend
So, Friday night we did this: ►
How strange is that??? We all had a good time anyway. There were some fights (I didn't know they did that in soccer) and that made it more fun. There were also tons of little kids running about enjoying themselves. Oh yeah, and this dude. I guess that is what a Blast looks like... who knew?
On Saturday morning it was presents in bed for Seńor. And then he spent most of the day in the basement playing with his new head phones from his dad. On Saturday night we went to the CD release for Jen Swartout and Jeremiah Clark.
(I can't find a link for Jen, if you have one put it in the comments, she is awesome.)
It was a great show we had a nice time and then home to bed. On Sunday Cindy came over and there was much cooking and bread making. And then there was also cognac and champagne.... And that made it a perfect weekend. I should have taken more pictures...