
Showing posts from January, 2014


People.  I am actually knitting.  And it is fun!  And going well. I decided that 2014 will be the year I actually get the hang of knitting.  I've tried a number of times and it always ends in boredom or tears.  I think this time it will be different.  I've even already finished a project! I got this book because I saw the review on Amy Karol's blog and I loved all the images of the patterns it offers.  I have to say I am glad that I already knew the basics of knitting though and I've been grateful for  Unless it is just that I am unable to focus any longer due to the influence of children, I would say that it'd be pretty hard to figure out how to knit for the first time just from this book.  But the patterns?  Still gorgeous and I am hoping do-able with a little internet and in person tutelage.   I made a hat from it for Emerson.  I didn't have the right sized yarn or needles (you need a lot ...

Birthday dress

I must tell you I am still quite perplexed to find myself with a One year old baby.  How has this happened?  How could she still seem so small and baby-like ?  I am not sure if I am just delusional or if Emerson actually was farther along at this age.  He was really trying to walk I think, and that makes a difference.  Also, there wasn't a 4.75 year old to compare him to.  I know that makes her seem smaller. She is a delightful creature.  Full of smiles and jokes.  Easily frustrated and easily calmed. This was made using the same pattern for the hedgehog dress .  I still didn't cut the front and back pieces in two, just added a little extra in the front to make the gather.  Emerson picked the shoulder buttons and I came across these felt buttons I have had since E turned one.  I put them on to remind of a dog foot print as our party was, of course, a wolf party. I made this hoping it would be her birthday dress but it...

Sissie at One Year~

You: :Are such a dream come true. :Have four snaggly teeth on the top and two neat teeth on the bottom. :Just climbed onto a stool in the kitchen tonight for the first time.  ACK! :Like to "talk" now when you nurse.  Suck, suck, pop, "Dah blah dah?"  Suck, suck, pop, "Gah dah ma."  Suck, suck, pop, "Gah dah. Dah blah!" :Like to play with the dog.  You pick up her toy and hold it for her.  She comes over and gently takes it from you.  Repeat. :Like to eat but are already getting a little picky. :Crawl very fast and determined with a slap slap as your hands hit the floor. :Love to look at the yarn shelf... :Wrinkle your nose, show your teeth and sniff/laugh at things when you think it is a joke. :Love banana bread cake. :) :Get coy with your food. Turning away and sniff-giggling then coming back to do it again when we feed you. :Like to take apart your brothers magnaform creations. :Are getting really into taking books off the she...

Having fun

With markers on a snowy, blowy, sunny day.  Both kids are pushing cars around the floor and watching the weather change moment to moment with me.  What a dreamy afternoon.  Hope yours is too!

Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies

{this is an old picture that captures how I feel at the end of each day so perfectly...} I made cookies this weekend.  We never do this.  Sugar isn't our friend in this household.  But Papa needed to get out of the house by himself and so I bribed the boy into staying home with me by saying we'd make cookies.  I found a flourless peanut butter cookie recipe but it had way to much sugar.  Otherwise it was perfect, easy, fast, simple.  Yes.  So, I adjusted it a little and it came out great.  We also added two chocolate chips on each one.  You know, we are living large! There are no pictures of the cookies- not because they are all gone, but because I don't generally take pictures of food. :)   Ingredients 1 cup natural peanut butter 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup unsweetened shredded coconut 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 1 large egg, lightly beaten Directions Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F and place the racks in the upper and lowe...


Someone went exploring today.  Before this she had just been pulling all the things out.  I didn't realize she was moving it all so so she'd have room to get in. ;)


Sissie learned to go up stairs today.  She has likely been able to do it for a month or more but today was her first chance.  We have no stairs inside our apartment (which was one of the selling points.  After living in the big house we first moved to we realized that a home without stairs has many benefits.)  Anyway, it was amazing to see her size up the stairs and then just go for it.  We didn't have a chance to try down yet.  I imagine that will be next month. Today was the first day for E back at school after the holiday break.  I was afraid when I thought it'd be cancelled because of the polar vortex but luckily our teachers also felt it was time to start up again.  I was the parent teacher so it wasn't the kind of break I'm really ready for but it was still a wonderful morning. His school does a theme each month and now the kids do research projects each round and he drew the Arctic Ground Squirrel as his subject. (They are studying th...

This moment~

Its been a long time.  But since it is Friday...

Happy New Year!!

From all of us, too all of you.   May all your days be merry and bright. xxoo