The Arboretum

We try to get outside while the weather is still nice.  I know it is good to get out regardless of the weather but my bones hold the chill so well that I don't follow that example.  I am glad he now has school to fulfill that for him during most of the week and Papa to help him on the weekend.

Anyway, yesterday was perfect.  Fall like but not cold and enough  sunshine to balance out the chill.  It was just the three of us until he found some other kids his age and latched on to them.  Instantly he was their leader, directing, encouraging, showing them the way.

The North Carolina Arboretum is close by and a favorite destination.  Add awesome lego creations and you have a super fantastic scavenger hunt to the trails like finding pixelated treasure.  The size of these things is crazy impressive alone, much less the fact that they actually look like what they are supposed to be.  If you are close by you should come see!


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