A library tote

We finally have a library with a story time worth visiting.  Right around the corner with a librarian who is kind and understanding of children.  Emerson is rapt with attention while she talks and reads.  He talks about her during the week when we aren't there.  She allows him to help and participate and he just adores her.

He is also learning about checking out books and returning them as we simplify his library at home down to just the essentials.  When you can't put books away on your own it gets a little silly to have so many.  We plan to cycle them in and out as needed, but for now, one small shelf is more than enough.

In order to keep track of the library books I thought it was time for a dedicated bag where the books could live while visiting our home and so he can carry his own back and forth.  His book bags aren't quite right for the job (oddly enough) as children's books vary so much in size and the zippers aren't as friendly to little hands who want to be able to get things in and out all on their own and mama's who want it very easy to clean up without a distraction.  So the other day I asked if he wanted to make his own library tote with me.

library tote 1

He picked the fabric and the quilt block from the block swap I did about a million years ago.  We made the block into an extra pocket on the front to hold his art project that he does each story time and I used one of his bigger books to measure the tote size.  Because it is vintage fabric and vintage handle it has such a 70's feeling to me.  Or maybe older, anyway, we think it is sweet as can be.

He made it halfway through the making before we called it quits on working together and I finished it in just a few more minutes.  Super simple, and so exciting for everyone.  It is nice to have a place for the books so we aren't searching all over and he likes owning his own special bag for trips to the library.  I can't say I'm not thrilled to have one less thing to carry myself.  

library tote


Theotherjew said…
Nice design and good news about the nice library nearby. Books were my friends starting about age 5 and I always liked the visit to the library. I hope he doesn't inherit my habit of supporting the library with fine money!
erica said…
So glad you guys have a nice storytime! That has been one of my favorite things to do with my boys, and I hear ya on being thankful for good librarians. :) And that bag is so sweet!

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