
Showing posts from July, 2011

Some Bug Bits

{ I love this picture sooooo much.  Aren't they just so beautiful? } Yesterday I was swinging the Bug around in a circle and he told me, "Careful, mama."  I almost dropped him.  My child wants me to be careful?  Really? Last week he fell and cut his gum away from three teeth on the top.  It was pretty gory.  Amazingly a week later it is almost impossible to tell.  Sunday he broke out in hives.  They are almost gone now.  But you know, after the first day of both things he acted like nothing was wrong.  Because he is tough like that. Recently he started adding "y" to the end of lots of words.  Cuppy, trucky, Poppy (my favorite), sometimes even Mommy.  It is really, almost painfully, cute sometimes.  He asks us to sing, "Happy, Clappy" when he wants to hear "If your happy and you know it."  He prefers to mix the verses so he can clap, stomp and touch his nose all in one stanza. He doesn't want to get in the shower...

Wellness Wednesday: Move it!

  Another area of primary food is movement.  Some people might call it exercise but I have a hard time spelling that word (the spell check gave me "excessive" and "exorcize" as options. ha!)  It is so interesting to me how all of the research I hear about "healthy" eating is always footnoted with something like, {blank} combined with moderate exercise leads to better health.  Really?  Maybe moderate movement is playing a bigger role.  But it is so hard to get people to start regular movement because just like diet overhaul it seems so overwhelming.  A gym membership, special clothes, looking like an idiot in front strangers.  Not even to mention the sore muscles.  And sweat!  Ug! I'm here to tell you something I heard forever ago that I feel really makes a difference.  It is a big secret- are you ready?  Okay- you are already moving everyday!  You might even already be "exorcising!"  I remember hearing this amazi...

{this moment}

toucan sunning , originally uploaded by Mr & Mrs Speeed .

An "E" Quilt

In August, the Bug starts "school".  I can't believe our little boy has only been with us two years and some months.  I can't imagine being with out him.  When I think about things we did before him I find myself searching those memories for him.  Surely, he has always been with me.  He must have gone rock climbing and camping and caving with us.  I'm sure he was in California that month I worked there.  And then I realize how silly it is.  He is only TWO.  You could say he was there, a tiny egg, an invisible thought, a future I had no idea would come.  I am excited for us all to start this new phase.  In all honesty, I need to have a break from full-time parenting.  I don't have the energy to keep up every day with such a potent, fresh life.  I also know he craves the time with others his own age and loves the play that he already engages in on the playground with some of his soon to be classmates. In preparation I ...

Wellness Wednesday: Spirituality

There are many aspects to a healthy, happy life.  You are what you eat they say- but you also are what you think, believe and feel.  For so many people, finding a way to express their spirituality goes a long way towards health and happiness.  I, myself, am still riding high from last weekends experiences.  Hearing of people who have had lives full of hardship and still turn into beacons of light and happiness for others help you see how strong a faith can make you. I use the word faith in the broadest sense I can imagine.  Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jews and Muslims all have a faith.  But there are also plenty of people who use looser categories to define themselves.  The medical community has been studying people to find the links between faith and health and while there are studies that go both ways it is obvious that having a personal faith can change our brains and our health . The other night, after a hectic day filled wit...

Wellness Wednesday: Oops!

Hello everyone!  This week just didn't happen.  Between all the events of the weekend, some sewing that just can't wait, great friends and the call of the pool and water sprinkler it was just too busy.  I'll be back next Wednesday with a new post.  In the mean time- happy summering!  PS- It is just possible I'll be back sooner with a quilting post.  But no promises. :)

A Gifted Day

This weekend I had the amazing chance to go to Washington DC and see the Dalai Lama and many other Tibetan Buddhist masters at the Kalachakra .  It was a magical experience.  In the morning I sat and listened to two hours of prayers and watched as the monks created the Kalachakra mandala .  Listening to the voices of the monks resonate through such a large, cavernous space was truly moving. In closing your eyes you could imagine being anywhere and the sound of the mantras poured over you like waves. In the afternoon the Dalai Lama gave preliminary teachings.  For the day I was there he talked of the Four Noble Truths and began about the 37 Practices of the Bodhisattva .  It was amazing to have the chance to see him in person and hear some of his thoughts on these such fundamental parts of Buddhism.  It was fantastic to see so many people there in traditional Tibetan clothing who brought with them their children.  The many monks everywhere, so eas...

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. From Soulemama .

Wellness Wednesday: Primary Food

This week I want to begin to talk about a different aspect of health.  At the Institute for Integrative Nutrition we talk about something called "primary food" a whole lot.  Primary food encompasses all the things that aren't edible that nourish us.  Physical activity, relationship, spirituality, career etc.  These are things that make you feel like you can conquer any challenge when they are going well and will tear your body apart when they are going poorly.  In the coming weeks I'll be talking about some of these areas and seeing what you all think.  In the mean time what are you doing right now that energizes you?  What is draining you? {image via Institute for Integrative Nutrition .}

My Dad

You may have noticed my list of "inspirations" over on the side and I hope you've had the chance to click on a few.  One of them is my dad, Old Bike Rider .  My dad has been an inspiration to me as long as I can remember.  We've been lucky that we've always really clicked.  I've always thought we are very alike and I've always been proud of that. He is the kind of person that you can depend on to help you do anything.  He can tell you how to fix your sink over the phone.  He can take great photographs.  He can wrangle farm animals or college students.  He can help you choose fabric for a sewing project and tires for your motorcycle.  Or anything for your motorcycle.  You can talk to him about life, love, catastrophes, mechanics, God, celebrations or food. He will take care of you when you need it if you are his child, parent, spouse, friend or stranger.  He will let you believe what is true for you even when it isn't true for hi...