Some Bug Bits
{ I love this picture sooooo much. Aren't they just so beautiful? } Yesterday I was swinging the Bug around in a circle and he told me, "Careful, mama." I almost dropped him. My child wants me to be careful? Really? Last week he fell and cut his gum away from three teeth on the top. It was pretty gory. Amazingly a week later it is almost impossible to tell. Sunday he broke out in hives. They are almost gone now. But you know, after the first day of both things he acted like nothing was wrong. Because he is tough like that. Recently he started adding "y" to the end of lots of words. Cuppy, trucky, Poppy (my favorite), sometimes even Mommy. It is really, almost painfully, cute sometimes. He asks us to sing, "Happy, Clappy" when he wants to hear "If your happy and you know it." He prefers to mix the verses so he can clap, stomp and touch his nose all in one stanza. He doesn't want to get in the shower...