So many things bouncing around my head...

The last gifts are made.  Everything handmade but two this year.  Not that I made so many...  I also didn't buy anything to make those gifts.  Nothing but what was already here.  That feels nice too.
I broke down and got a winter coat with my holiday gift from the shop.  Today we went for a walk for the first time in weeks.  Literally.  It has been low 30's during the days since the beginning of December.  I had to have a coat.  Had too.  I'm not sure if it counts against the GSC since I didn't technically buy it...  I got this one only in purple.  It is super awesome.  Thin, warm, close fitting but not at all binding.  What could be better?

Everything keeps breaking around here.  The mini chopper gave up yesterday.  E's diaper covers are going...  You know about the French press, had a I mentioned the mixing bowls? Well, them too.  What a wild couple weeks we are having for things breaking down.  In the middle of the night last night E was wet and Senor went to change him  and stepped in something squishy in the dark. He called for me to come get E so he could clean up the squishy part...  In my sleepiness I took the boy and looked at his pants and said, "How could that be?"  It was dog puke...  Ohhh.  I just assumed all messes come from E now...

Speaking of- I might be the worst parent ever.  Last night right after E fell asleep he started talking to himself.  All he said was, "No. No. No." while jerking his head.  Is he working through it?  Is it all he ever hears (um, maybe)?  He did used to crawl and stand in his sleep and we weren't bad parents then...

Anyway, just popping in to say hi!  I hope you all have a wonderful Solstice tomorrow!!



SipuT said…
i like that picture...
that frog is soooooooo cute..

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