Yesterday I cut the baby curls off of my baby boy to reveal the little boy he has become.  The whole day was weird since we are just getting back  home from travel and our rhythms are off.  I trimmed his hair and he decided to take a nap at 10 in the morning (he usually doesn't go down until 1!) After an hour, he woke up screaming crying for a few minutes.  Awake isn't quite it though- he didn't open his eyes and wouldn't be comforted.  Finally he asked for a bottle but by the time I came back up with it he was fast asleep.  He kept touching his neck.  He slept for a couple more hours before waking up and crying again.  This is not like him.  He almost always wakes up happy from naps unless something (the dog barking) wakes him up too early.  The rest of the day didn't go so well either and so around three I put on the Princess and the Frog (i love netflix) and we enjoyed some afternoon rest and chips and hummus on the couch.
Today has been a little rough too.  Fussing and fighting, neither of us giving what the other one needs.  I would swear some one was torturing him but I am the only other person in the house, so I am not sure what is going on.  Except those evil molars.  Please, come the rest of the way through molars!!  Let us have some peace!
Luckily, we keep finding peace from this birthday card from my father and mother-in-law.  I can't wait to give it to the Bug for his 2nd birthday in April.  If the batteries last that is...


Anonymous said…
Moriah loves the haircut he is looking like a "little Man" I am on the hunt for a Christmas card I can record for him... How about the Night Before Christmas?"

Love you all miss Bug and you guys...
Kimberly said…
Oh that video is so super cute; especially right at the end. My babe is also getting some molars in and is sick on top of it (and now I am as well darnit!). I hope they push through quickly.

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