For the bum

You can see the yellow blouse I made in the video on the last post.  I really am trying to get good pictures of what I am making but have been failing miserably. 

Chair pad 004

So here is an easy one.  When we were in Tulsa my Uncle Bill gave us a little rocking chair he made (!) for the Bug.  It is the perfect size and gets used everyday.  He can get in and out himself and he also likes pushing it around to different locations.  He has been watching some Sesame Street while sitting in it. (Although, he does prefer to stand up mostly so he can dance when they start singing.)
So, of course, I thought it needed a little chair pad.  Easy-peasey.

Chair pad 001
One of those blocks.

Chair pad 005
And a kitty.


Mom A said…
Hope you posted this on Facebook too so Uncle Bill gets to see it. Love ya....

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