In 2010
Happy New Year! I've never been one for resolutions but there are a few things I know about the coming year and I am sure about them so I don't have to worry about keeping up with them. They will be happening- my participation is not optional. 1) I will be enjoying the first floor more because of the curtains I found at Ikea and my father was kind enough to hang for me. 2) I will be doing more laundry. The Bug's diapers have been washed by a service up to this point (thanks MomMom!) but we are transitioning to our own diapers and the service will be me. I have been working through the process of this in my mind to figure out the logistics. Diapers moving up and down the stairs, clean, dirty, often with only one hand to carry. I use the big Ikea bags to carry most of our laundry but who wants the chance that clean clothes will go into a bag dirty diapers just came out of? And I can't see using trash liners. Cloth diapering is supposed to cause less waste, right? ...