Becky and I set out to make a couple of Robinia sweaters in mid-March, which took two months to complete. Just yesterday, I wove in the ends and wore it. I'm afraid to block it. Specs: The Robinia has been making the rounds. I couldn't see buying the tons of yarn it would take to create the three-strand yarn the designer used, but Becky found this chainette cotton blend, Cantata , that seemed perfect. I've recently realized that making the exact color combination that I liked in the first place is not a bad thing. It means I get the garment I really loved in the first place. Mods: I made a size XS/S even though I could have made the M according to the designer but everything I knit comes out bigger than expected, even when I gauge swatch right on target. (I think the blocked weight of the garment just is so much more than the swatch is what causes this, but it's just a theory.) I didn't wrap any of my floats and it remains to be seen if I'll regret tha
My word is "poinging", which sounds like something that the bug will be doing soon if he's not already.