Makin' Monday

Hola chicos y chicas!

So I went and got myself some bangs... in case you were wondering after that last post. I am sure there will be a picture forth coming. Just not today.
Today I stayed home and sewed all day. Well, after the doggy went to the vet...

Tricia's apron

I made another apron and started to make this dress that has been floating around in my mind.

dress making

I am not sure it working as I am completely without a pattern and since I don't have a dress form every time I get so far that I want to try it on again I have to run upstairs to use the mirror and put some pins in it and then come back down and try to make that work and then repeat. Again and again. Luckily the fabric is sooooo soft it isn't making me angry at all. And despite the stretchy nature I haven't been cussing all day. But I am not sure what I have made. We'll see what Senor says when he sees it. He is pretty honest and direct... Maybe I can get him to be my dress form for a few minutes...


diber said…
you might find this tutorial of interest--at least when you are of a more predictable body shape. ;-)
Anonymous said…
She's going to love it! I love it! FISHES!!!

It was so nice to see you last night. To have dinner and chocolates and decaf and to TALK!

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