March Block- Home


This is the completed block for the first month of the swap. I was really lucky because it worked out I was making the first one for my mother. Since the theme was "home" and I know what her home is like it was really easy to figure out what to make.
She lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains, in the Jefferson National Forest. You could have guessed right? :)
I have this book and get completely obsessed with a different quilt in it each time I open it. This technique is cutting curves with your rotary blade and then putting them together to form your blocks. Each cutting should give you two blocks which are the inverse of each other. I wanted to practice sewing curves and give this a try. I couldn't help the embroidery. It was itching to get out of my fingers... I want to improve my skill with this type of work but I really do love the little wonkyness of only loosely drawing what I am going for. I like that it looks hand drawn and handmade.
I am betting that the Contemporary Quilts book will come up a lot on these posts...

Here are links to a couple of the other ladies blocks (go show them some love!):

Here is the fliker group I just created. Ladies, please upload a picture when you get a chance!

Add your link in the comments if you are a swapper!


Mom A said…
I love this block, and it so goes with the the geese in flight and turkey tracks throw I had assembled while we were in Haiti, and the colors, they are a dead on match! Thanks Anilia!

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