little a Shop!!

Ladies and Gentlefish I am proud to announce.... a shop!

big cartel screen shot small

To inaugurate it I am working with Mel Yukna who started "My Share" on facebook. MyShare is a group of Baltimore area folks who want to eat local, shop local, support local. How cool is that?
The first offering in the shop has to do with just this idea. Cloth produce bags for taking to the market (or grocery store.) If you are like me, when you go to the market you go for many reasons and one of the biggest is feeling like you are doing your part to reduce consumption of fossil fuels by buying food grown near you instead of half way around the globe. And you find the most beautiful peaches or raspberries, your mouth is salivating imagining the deliciousness as you wait your turn to pay and the farmer dumps them into... a plastic bag! It's like someone took the needle off the record and ruined your perfect little moment. Well, no need to hear that icky scratching sound again! Now you can buy reusable cloth produce bags that are useful (gasp), attractive (gasp), and made by me (double gasp)!

produce bags

Okay, maybe it isn't that dramatic, but I have been thinking about this since last summer so it is a big deal for me.
So here is the skinny- The bags are up for a pre-order. This means you won't get them until the end of the month (which is really perfect, just in time for market season). They are drawstring bags about the size of the plastic produce bags you get at the grocery store and they come in sets of four. They will all be made from recycled fabrics which means they will all be unique. (The ones pictured are the bags I made for my household from tea towels my grandmother made for us years ago.) There are two options for purchase- one is a local pick up where you will meet me at the Waverly market at the end of the month and get your bags. This saves you the cost of shipping!! If you can't/don't want that option there is also a listing with shipping. (I don't have it set up yet for international shipping so if you are interested shoot me an email at littleanilia@gmail and I will figure out how much that would cost.) Also, you should know I will only be able to take so many orders for these to be done at the end of the month because, well, I am just me. So if you want them, get your orders in early!
I am going to say thanks right now to all of you who have pushed and asked for this from me. After I see how this goes I hope to start putting up custom order packages.


Mom A said…
A set for Oma please.
Mom A said…
And I will pick up when we come for E's special day.
Chandana said…
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