
Showing posts from February, 2010

At 10 months~

068 , originally uploaded by Mr & Mrs Speeed . You: : Love books. Especially turning the pages. : Full on crawl. : Pull up on what ever. : Crawl up to the dog and open your mouth for a make out session. (Eww!) : Choose papa when there is the option. : Wake up happy and crawl out of bed to play. : Wake up sad and crawl out of bed to come find us. : Are so excited about moving you can't be still enough to get to sleep sometimes. : Just learned "high five!" : Walk holding fingers until you're exhausted. : Make magic birdy hands. : Want to stand up in the bath tub to terrify your parents. : Have the top two teeth coming in and making you very sad. : Do downward dog but don't know where to go from there. : Try to give Zo your food and laugh hysterically at her. : Have a cold :( * I can't believe how fast time is moving. I am already making plans for your first birthday celebration. (Friends- save the May 1st for the party!) How can this be true??? Your papa ...

the veiw from here

Savoring: Making: Eating: Curing sadness: Finding sleepiness: Achieving silliness:

Some randomness

He is now crawling for real. And trying to pull up on anything he can reach. And getting black eyes and many kisses for the effort. This is part of growing up right? Becoming aware of where your head is. Without banging it on everything how the heck do you learn where it is? You can't see it. Poor guy! Can anyone recommend good socks with grippies on the bottom? I am tired of buying ones that don't stay on. The best ones we have are bamboo infant sized ones- but I have no idea who made them! Speaking of bamboo, I love doing my own diapers! I am not sure I would have loved it before EC when we were going through so many poopy ones, but really the diapers are so nice and soft, I love folding them and putting them away. We use a combination of fitted and prefolds (all with covers .) It works great. I know I heard a few mama's tell me that prefolds are useless except as dust rags but I almost could say I like using them better than the fitted diapers. The prefo...

My morning

Hope your Valentine's day is as sweet as mine-

On the move!

(I wrote this a week ago but had a lot of trouble uploading the videos.) In the last few days the Bug has really figured out getting around. He does a military crawl and nothing is safe anymore. Looks like we need one more baby gate... Here is a little demonstration: In this video (which is pretty crappy because it was night time, just before getting ready for bed) you can see him stepping and laughing. Sorry about my laugh at the end. I always try to be quiet while the camera is going but he's funny, ya know? He is also clapping when he is happy. On the potty, for breakfast, what have you. I can't imagine where he picked that up... His relationship with Zo continues to develop and we find him making out with her when ever we don't intervene fast enough. This morning he realized he could sit in his chair at breakfast and lean over to hand her a tasty morsel. So there you go! More ridiculous Bugness.

Snow Day Valentine's

(You can still sign up for the Block Swap until Friday the 12th. Sign up on that post or shoot me an email.) We are having V-day presents a little early this year... Since we have nothing better to do and I am trying to use this time to catch up on the blogging and sewing I always think about but never quite squeeze into the day. I have wanted to make a soft toy for the Bug since before he ever got here but I couldn't decide what. I wanted something out of natural fabrics that wasn't complicated and left a lot to the imagination. And recently, something he can chew on became one of the things I was looking for. Enter Last Minute Sewing Gifts . I have made a couple things from this book in the last couple years (which apparently I never mentioned here because I can't find them.) This little guy is made from sweater felt I have had for a while. Being 100% wool felt makes it the perfect toy to snuggle and chew on. It is super soft and squeezable. The orange is my fav...

Spring Blouse

Ever since I began sewing I have been eager to sew clothing for myself but after a few attempts with commercial patterns I gave up. I can draft a skirt pattern and make that , no problem. Thanks to Sew What? Skirts! One day I will even put a zipper in a skirt and the possibilities will expand boundlessly! :) But I have been afraid to try a blouse because it just doesn't seem like something that will work. Pattern sizing is weird and in the last 18 months my measurements have fluctuated. A lot. And so it has been something I thought about a lot but not something to do. For fear. For laziness. Of course, like every other crafty girl out there I read Amy Karol's blog . And she has been encouraging and challenging me lately with the beautiful things she has made. Watching someone else pump out cute stuff from a pattern means it isn't the pattern that is the issue, right? So I bought the one she's been using . But I already had another pattern from two years ago ...

Quilt Block Swap

Edit: I will take new sign ups until the 12th. After that I will send out an email with all the details. Thanks everyone! Okay, I want to do a quilt block swap! Here are the rules I am thinking, let me know if I am missing something: 1. One 10" block a month sent to someone else in the swap. I haven't decided yet if we will have the same partner every month or switch up since I don't know how many people might be interested. 2. The block can be traditional, contemporary or free form. 3. The block will be based on a theme each month which my lovely assistant, er, husband, will come up with for us. Like "sunshine" or whatever and then you make a block that says "sunshine" to you. We will put up the new word or theme on the first of the month, blocks should get to the person your swapping with by the end of the month. 4. Blocks must be primarily made of quilting cotton but embellishments and embroidery is fine to add. 5. Part of me wants to say when...

~For Kim~

Another OAD bag ready to go out! My friend Kim bought a couple of these as Christmas gifts and then ordered another one for herself. Since it was also her birthday last week I decided this one should be a gift as well! So- Happy Birthday Kim! I'll see you Wednesday. I appreciate the support so much! (Click on the picture to see more views.)