
Ten days that I have been imagining things to write. Imagination only seems to work if you then do something with it... I have been having so much trouble with the doing something part through out this pregnancy. All I want to do is lay down and space out when I have a moment...
Spring is here and I am soooo happy to see that the tree outside is blooming and the bulbs out front are coming up. Soon we will have lots of plants to put in the ground and I am soooo excited about that as well. I think we are heading out on some garden related errands this morning.
My belly keeps getting bigger and I am not really sure how much bigger it can get. It has officially swallowed my waist and while I can still reach my feet, I'd rather have someone else help if there is any sock or shoe manipulation to be done. I think stretch marks are about burst out everywhere... sadness...
We took dinner to one of the other couples from our birth class last night and heard all about the birth and hospital stay (they used the same people and hospital as we are) and I can't say it made me look forward to that part more. All of you local people, be ready- I am sure that I will be calling you for food. It is good to know ahead of time though.
Alright, it is after 10am. I have to get out of bed...

ps- I promise to try to find some pictures to put up. I know there are plenty of lovely things around to see.


Mom A said…
As I cleaned out the kitchen lower cabinets, your father asked if I was pregnant...I laughingly said, I don't need to be my daughter is so I guess I am nesting for you. It was lovely to see Jeremy. And I am looking forward to the pictures. Loves and hugs.

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