Bits of Spring

Okay- I took some pictures- yay! And I couldn't sleep so I eventually went downstairs and made not one but two changing mats for the baby- before breakfast. Anyone who actually knows me should understand just how bizarre that is. I generally (thanks to the magnificent Senor) don't get out of bed until after breakfast on the weekends. Seriously- unless it is to go somewhere for breakfast.

I decided to make two of these because it would be easier it I had one ready even if I needed to wash the one I was using. I used the tutorial from sewtakeahike check out her other tute's listed in the sidebar. I am sure you'll find something you have to make.

baby changing pad

You may remember the fabric on the outside from our chair upcycle last spring. (Can you believe it has been that long??!)

baby changing pad

And the flannel is from that never ending sheet I bought for $3 at the thrift store forever ago. And the binding is from Cindy's grandmother's stash. Yay.

I used snaps instead of velcro because it was what I had and the only sweary part in the whole thing was when I hammered my finger putting the first one on.

Anyway- other things that happened today:

Senor made the front flower bed look wonderful while I went out in search of mulch.

spring 09 front flower bed

It was such a mess before, I can't even tell you...

And here it is- your moment of zen... no really, just the belly at 34 weeks. I am getting lots and lots of congratulations from every stranger to cross my path now. I guess you can tell, eh?

belly at 34 weeks


Mom A said…
It looks like that belly has dropped a little? And the flower garden looks good. what a cute little changing pad!!
erica said…
I LOVE your belly, and I love the neverending sheet almost as much. It's still the most wonderful swaddling blanket Kent could ever have had, and we still use it for just that purpose!

Awesome changing pads, too. Now you can change your baby in the back or trunk of your car or on the grass at the park just like we do. =)
Cindy said…
My grandmother would be honored. :-)

Speaking of making things, I FINALLY saw Trish and gave her the apron. I have a check for you!
anilia said…
Hey mom- I think you may be right about the belly. I had just thought that this morning.

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