And back again~

So, years ago, Seńor and I used to go to yoga every week. We did this for a long while, pretty consistently as I remember. The we went on tour, driving around in an RV for months followed by living in hotels for months and then we came back to Baltimore. Since returning we often say, "We should go back to yoga." or "I felt so much better when we were doing yoga." But weeks and months and life slides by and we hadn't gone.
When I got pregnant I knew I had to go back to the studio. I knew that as I got bigger and my balance got wonky it would be important. And I figure labor must be easier if you are in shape... Of course, then I was so sick for the first bit.
Tonight, however, all the excuses were used up. I have been looking forward to going all week. Seńor went to the regular hot vinyasa and I went to pre-natal. I did fairly well but realized my legs are really weak. I am used to weak shoulders and arms but I have always had strong legs. I am glad I started going now. Many of the other women had these huge bellies, I can't imagine if I started the class once I was so big. I would just sit there panting.
Seńor seems to have gotten his butt thoroughly kicked in the regular class. I know I would have absolutely died if I had tried that...


erica said…
Fun! I'm so glad you're doing that. I never did a lot of exercise during my pregnancy, and I had a fairly easy time after my first trimester, but being in shape definitely always helps for labor. Plus, there's the whole focus thing that yoga helps with, which you definitely need to get that baby out. =)
diber said…
I did yoga with this last pregnancy, and it helped SO MUCH!!!!! I had a lot of back pain, and always felt better when i was practicing regularly. not to mention how helpful the positions DURING labor!!!
rodemas said…
hey!! do we get pregnant lady pics?? i like pregnant lady pics!! (i call my sister pregnant lady so it's hard breaking the habit)

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