
Showing posts from June, 2008

The Cuteness Is Killing Me

Don't they look good together??!!

so. busy. must. sleep.

I am totally swamped at work right now... I promise not to be gone forever. Next week (towards the end) there will be more sharing of fun things. Promise. In the mean time here is a cute little fat owl...


I have been slacking on putting up photos. So much has been going on and I always have to wait for the camera to come home with Senor at the end of the day so sometimes I forget to take pictures... So here we go with things I have been making: 1) this bag I have had this fabric for years. Maybe since B.H. (before husband!) I gave it to my mom with the idea that we would come up with the perfect bag to make out of it but we never got around to it. I found the cranberry colorway in a remnants bin (my favorite way to shop) and suddenly I could see it... 2) this tank from this tutorial . I think it is going to turn into a skirt pattern... I don't think it looks good but it is super comfortable and would be a great summer tank if you were pregnant... I didn't even follow her numbers exactly, I went slimmer right from the start. I do love the fabric which reminds me of the Sea of Izabell in the books I am re-reading... 3)Henna! You can just see it still on my feet (with my ...

Happy Father's Day

I was lucky enough to get to see my father last week. We met up in Silver Spring and ate Burmese food on the day Seńor got into the accident. I had the intention that we would bring a Father's Day card or something but, you know, it was a pretty full day and so I blanked on it... This morning I looked at Seńor and said, “Oh no, tomorrow is Father's Day!” “Well I got your dad a broken motorcycle. What'd you get him?” So there you go. I guess I got my dad a husband to wreck a motorcycle for him...

Here's to Gear!

So yesterday Senor called me and said, "I've been in an accident but I am okay." I came rushing out of work happy that I had happened to drive to work so I could leave right away and head over. He had taken the motorcycle. He was alright. I mean, a crushed pinky finger tip and a hematoma or two, a torn ligament in the foot, some other cuts and bruises. But, you know, breathing, standing up and calling me means "alright" in my book. He had full gear on, despite the heat or whatever other excuse you can come up with. And so all the skin is intact. Today he is very sore and tired. With more bumps and bruises coming up and to attention that was focused elsewhere yesterday. Today is nap time.

Oh No!!!

The cuteness is killing me!!!!!

Early and Late

A few birthday gifts got to their new homes this week. Arriving about a week early, this bag found my mother- It is from this book . I will say the pattern directions seemed to skip a few steps and I was glad I had already made some other bags from her instructions so I noticed that I was missing something. Still, it was very easy and I hope you will use it up Mom. I can always make another one if you want something "nice" to carry around. Happy Birthday and thank you for being the best mother a girl could ask for! The other birthday gift was late because I wasn't sure the exact day he would arrive. And I wanted to make sure his big brother had some fun things to play with too. The cat is similar to the first one I made for Kent. I got the pattern from Green Kitchen's blog and only changed it the tiniest bit. Click on the pictures to see more!


I love this site . Check out this book .

Go ahead and laugh.

So I have been wanting to play with henna and hands for a little while now and reading the book I just finished only increased the desire. Of course, I had no idea where to buy it so i talked to a local henna artist and she said any Indian/Pakistani market would have it. As it happens, there was one on my walk home. Now, I consider myself a liberal person and I shop in lot's of places but even though I walk by this store everyday I have never been in. Granted, it does say "halal meat" on the outside and I haven't bought meat in fifteen years. Actually I probably never bought meat since I lived with my parents then and wasn't really old enough to go grocery shopping... anyway, you get the idea. So I was a little nervous to go in. Worried I would be an intruder on a world I wasn't part of. And then, of course if all the labels were in Arabic it would be hard to figure out what I was looking for and then I might just look foolish. That doesn't general...

Weekend List

Things we did: 1) Had dinner with Scott and Sharon. 2) Finally got to the post office to mail somethings I have been trying to get out of here for a week. 3) Went to garden store to buy things for a vegetable garden which s&s made us want after seeing their lovely yard. 4) Sat in the car through a rainstorm drinking coffee. 5) Found a banana tree that the garden people say is hardy. Mom, have you ever heard such a thing??! I want... is it wrong to covet a tree? 6) Settled for much less expensive (and no doubt more productive) green beans, cuc, zuc, euc, and dill. (pretty impressive, heh?) 7) Went to bed at like 8:30 on Saturday. Yeah, we're old- so what. 8) Got up at six this morning because me head was just going. Started sewing things, woke up other people to buy fabric (sorry) and had a lovely breakfast. 9) Dug out and planted vegitales garden. Whew... 10) I think going to bed again at 8:30....