
Showing posts from January, 2008


I went to my Psych class last night. I wasn't on the list. I called to find out why this morning. I am registered for Intro to DOS Programming. They can't do anything about it. I will have to come down and add/drop. Fliggitysputfloop!

A few things...

These are my Good Fortune Cat towels that I made. I made some for Sharon's new place too. Seńor made the shape pattern for me by looking at our plates. Then I embroidered the faces (I am not very good at this) and used the machine to stitch them to the towels. The other one has red thread for the face. I like them both. Sebastien got shaved this past week and hadn't been feeling well. He is better now. I have never seen another cat sleep like this though. He looks like a chicken to me. Does your cat sleep face down?

The Weekend

So, Friday night we did this: ► How strange is that??? We all had a good time anyway. There were some fights (I didn't know they did that in soccer) and that made it more fun. There were also tons of little kids running about enjoying themselves. Oh yeah, and this dude. I guess that is what a Blast looks like... who knew? On Saturday morning it was presents in bed for Seńor. And then he spent most of the day in the basement playing with his new head phones from his dad. On Saturday night we went to the CD release for Jen Swartout and Jeremiah Clark. (I can't find a link for Jen, if you have one put it in the comments, she is awesome.) It was a great show we had a nice time and then home to bed. On Sunday Cindy came over and there was much cooking and bread making. And then there was also cognac and champagne.... And that made it a perfect weekend. I should have taken more pictures...

In the Mail

The mail has been good to our home the last couple weeks. Last night I came home and found this wonderful painting waiting for me. It is from my grandfather Jerry! He knows how much I love cats and so he painted it just for our new house. We are going to hang it up downstairs near another cat poster where John makes lots of music! Here is a picture of it near its new home. Doesn’t it look nice?! The other things that have come in the mail were from Joel and Lisa. We got the cutest egg whisk and saucepan and a lovely pottery vase. Sydney even got something nice out it! Other wonderful things have come in the mail but we wont be able to talk about them until after tomorrow because someone is having a birthday!

Thinking- Who knew?

Sometimes now I think about things. I didn’t used to think about things very much really. Before I got a sewing machine I always was surprised at how little time I spent thinking of any one thing. I always thought that people around me seemed to be cogitating on the things in their life more than me. I said, “Well, maybe I am not a worrier.” And then I shrugged my shoulders and went on with life. Since the sewing machine (perhaps we should say A.S. for After Sewing and B.S. for Before Sewing :-) I now think things through in a way previously unheard of. Like at night, if I am in the middle of a project or getting ready to start something I think of it while I sleep. This is annoying because it means I have to get up early and get to work right away so that I can stop thinking about it. Because I hate over analyzing things. It is also good because it sometimes clears up things I have been hung up on (like seems or zippers.) The other time I think is while I wa...

Sick Day

So today I came home early because when I cough I fell like my inside are trying to be my outsides. Today makes me think I should be a house wife; here is what I did. 1. Vacuumed. 2. Ironed (a lot, maybe 12 yards of fabric.) 3. Made a FBLN (fakin' bacon, lettuce, and nayonnaise sandwich.) 4. Researched and planned our garden. 5. I am planing on reading Doctor Zhivago next. and maybe another cup of tea. If I can do that while I am sick imagine when I feel well!


I am finding it a little difficult to decide what I should say here first. Perhaps I should say thank you. Thank you to those (mostly) ladies out there who are doing all these amazing crafty things and raising beautiful children and inspiring all the rest of us. You can find some of the people I find inspiring in the list to the right. And thank you to anyone who is reading this!