
Showing posts from July, 2014

This girl.

Has it been forever since I talked about her?  I feel like it.  Each day she grows so much you can tell the next day.  I think she is two inches taller than a month ago.  Suddenly reaching the edge of the counter with her little exploring fingers.  Reaching for whatever she can get.  Last night she climbed over the back of the high chair and into the seat for the first time.  Nothing is safe on the table now. She signs all the time, learning a new sign every day if you offer them.  Yesterday she woke up from her nap and earnestly signed, "Help. Want dog."  So very sweet.  And out we went to find a neighbor walking a dog to love on. She loves to walk and find friends at every stop.  She squats down and holds her hands out and rubs her fingers together to call to birds and squirrels and cats and dogs to come to her.  I will pet you, she promises.  I will be gentle.  I've never seen another toddler so gent...

Elimination Diet: Wheat and Nightshades

Hello!  I've been a whirlwind of summer fun the last few weeks and so I am late getting this update. Wheat week (woot!) went by with no symptoms at all.  Then this week I am on nightshades.  Thank goodness!  That is a long time to go with out tomatoes.  I think I am going to be fine there.  Next week- Added sweeteners!!  We already have a date planned for French Broad Chocolate .  Because people- it has been 3 months!!

Busy and Full

Our days are flashing by.  Today, Emerson went to school for a half day.  Next week he'll start for real and he got into an amazing music program so he'll be at school all day.  I imagine he'll be bushed at the end of the day.  Out OT reminded us to prepare for meltdowns in the first month and to keep our calm so that he can regain his.  I might put some signs up for us. Today is rainy and grey.  Perfect and cool.  I love days like this, they are such a blessing in the summer.  I have a pile of patterns and ideas to work on.  I have marketing work. I have house work.  But it will all keep a little longer.  Yesterday, once the baby (can I call her that still??) was asleep Emerson and I drew pictures and read stories.  I left the dishes piled high in the sink.  I knew there were only a few more days like this left and it was so much more important to just be with him 100%.  It was the right choice.  So seld...

Elimination Diet: Gluten

This week I've added gluten back in.  No wheat, just other sources of gluten.  Because barley is a little harder to have in the house and not share with Emerson I chose to get a loaf of rye bread to experiment with.  This was the first time in two months I could eat a sandwich.  I'm not even going to explain how big that is for me.  My favorite things to eat have always been sandwiches.  I even had to get used to the idea that John does not consider a sandwich dinner except occasionally. What??? Took me years to figure that out. This last few days have been a real pleasure.  So far, no side effects.  Now I have to wait four more days without it and make sure.  But next week is wheat.  I'm interested to see how that goes.  Corn is definitely out for me.  I'm so glad I'm doing this, no matter how hard it has been.  I had suspected corn a little but never eggs at all.  And for months I've been avoiding gluten and ...