
Showing posts from December, 2010

Still breaking

So, now my computer is on the fritz.  For real...  But, I just want you to know I have a couple of hats, some zafus and a little cute applique shirt to show you.  And I'd like you to hold me to it. In the mean time I want to ask about how 2011 is going to be for you.  What do you love about yourself that you want to nurture in the new year?  What would you like to change?  What do you need that you aren't getting?  What do you have to give? I'm going to think about these things the next few days myself.  Tell me what you are thinking too.

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2010 057 , originally uploaded by Mr & Mrs Speeed . Wishing you all the tickles and snuggles this season can bring!
So many things bouncing around my head... The last gifts are made.  Everything handmade but two this year.  Not that I made so many...  I also didn't buy anything to make those gifts.  Nothing but what was already here.  That feels nice too. I broke down and got a winter coat with my holiday gift from the shop .  Today we went for a walk for the first time in weeks.  Literally.  It has been low 30's during the days since the beginning of December.  I had to have a coat.  Had too.  I'm not sure if it counts against the GSC since I didn't technically buy it...  I got this one  only in purple.  It is super awesome.  Thin, warm, close fitting but not at all binding.  What could be better? Everything keeps breaking around here.  The mini chopper gave up yesterday.  E's diaper covers are going...  You know about the French press, had a I mentioned the mixing bowls? Well, them too. ...

Topsy turvy

Today is the first day I have felt caught up in a while.  Which is so powerful because I don't think I could have handled today without at least that.  And a super nap from the boy... I don't ever remember such a roller coaster like time in my life.  Maybe I have become sensitive or perhaps everything really is a big deal, one way or the other.  Ever since about Thanksgiving I have been wobbling back and forth between delight and distress.  Case in point: After dinner last night the Bug broke our French press.  I had had a presentiment about it earlier in the day and was completely unsurprised.  But so sad. Later I was on the phone for a long time with someone about the opportunities we might find for working together as I finish my school.  This was very exciting and full of hope and promise.  Amazing! I got off the phone and went up to meet Senor in bed and couldn't find my pajamas.  I asked him if he knew whe...

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.From Soulemama. Happy Weekend to you! I am cheating and putting two pictures, but they are both from the same moment of morning sun.


Yesterday I cut the baby curls off of my baby boy to reveal the little boy he has become.  The whole day was weird since we are just getting back  home from travel and our rhythms are off.  I trimmed his hair and he decided to take a nap at 10 in the morning (he usually doesn't go down until 1!) After an hour, he woke up screaming crying for a few minutes.  Awake isn't quite it though- he didn't open his eyes and wouldn't be comforted.  Finally he asked for a bottle but by the time I came back up with it he was fast asleep.  He kept touching his neck.  He slept for a couple more hours before waking up and crying again.  This is not like him.  He almost always wakes up happy from naps unless something (the dog barking) wakes him up too early.  The rest of the day didn't go so well either and so around three I put on the Princess and the Frog (i love netflix) and we enjoyed some afternoon rest and chips and hummus on the couch. Today has ...