The Cooper

Last year at the sewing retreat I had a colossal fail (but look how tiny she was!!) when I tried to make a bag. I will admit, it was good for me. This had never happened to me before. And in the time in between I don't think I made any bags at all (except perhaps a library tote for E?) This was a little odd for me because I have made quite a lot of bags and really got sewing as an adult because of them. I've used patterns and made up things, done simple and embellished. Anyway, last year was a disaster and I wanted to redeem myself (okay, maybe it was sub-conscious...) and when I came across the Cooper from Colette Patterns I knew I had just the right thing. I spent a lot of time online looking at what others had done to figure out what kinds of fabric combinations I really loved and then I spent a few more hours looking at fabric online to pick just the right combination for me. I searched around quite a bit for the hardware. ...