Ms. Austen
We have been going a mile a minute since the weather has turned. Outside as much as possible and running, jumping and riding. The Bug wore holes in shoes riding his rocket back and forth to the playground. I've been feeling melancholy with the news from Japan and trying to keep focused on the here and now. School is going so fast and offering so much information. I am starting to wonder how much space is in my brain anyway. I am feeling quite ambivalent about everything except crocheting and sewing. At least with those things I know I really want to do things. I even finished crocheting a tank top last night. One of the things I always go to when I am feeling lost or confused is Jane Austen. Weirdly, I only started reading her books about three years ago. I started with Pride and Prejudice . I think that is how you determine which of her books is your favorite. The one you start with is the most special to you....