
Showing posts from March, 2009

Bits of Spring

Okay- I took some pictures- yay! And I couldn't sleep so I eventually went downstairs and made not one but two changing mats for the baby- before breakfast. Anyone who actually knows me should understand just how bizarre that is. I generally (thanks to the magnificent Senor) don't get out of bed until after breakfast on the weekends. Seriously- unless it is to go somewhere for breakfast. I decided to make two of these because it would be easier it I had one ready even if I needed to wash the one I was using. I used the tutorial from sewtakeahike check out her other tute's listed in the sidebar. I am sure you'll find something you have to make. You may remember the fabric on the outside from our chair upcycle last spring. (Can you believe it has been that long??!) And the flannel is from that never ending sheet I bought for $3 at the thrift store forever ago. And the binding is from Cindy's grandmother's stash. Yay. I used snaps instead of velcro becaus...


Ten days that I have been imagining things to write. Imagination only seems to work if you then do something with it... I have been having so much trouble with the doing something part through out this pregnancy. All I want to do is lay down and space out when I have a moment... Spring is here and I am soooo happy to see that the tree outside is blooming and the bulbs out front are coming up. Soon we will have lots of plants to put in the ground and I am soooo excited about that as well. I think we are heading out on some garden related errands this morning. My belly keeps getting bigger and I am not really sure how much bigger it can get. It has officially swallowed my waist and while I can still reach my feet, I'd rather have someone else help if there is any sock or shoe manipulation to be done. I think stretch marks are about burst out everywhere... sadness... We took dinner to one of the other couples from our birth class last night and heard all about the birth and hos...


I have been very bad about this whole blog thing. I have even taken pictures for it and still not gotten them up... Mostly what I had to say was: We had a wonderful anniversary despite the hecticness of my work. One of the girls at work made us a wonderful cake which we are still working on... Twelve layer mocha yumminess! Senor cleaned the bathtub so I could soak away the pain of Friday night on Saturday morning. It was really amazing because I could hardly walk before that bath. And then we went and got massages... which was really, really wonderful. So much so that I booked the next massage that day. And then, I had the itch to find some baby things so we went to the thrift store and found a ton of cute stuff for almost no money. I love baby shopping at the thrift store. It is so satisfying! And can I let you all know how much I love my husband? Five years married and it feels like always in the best possible way. There is no one I would rather hang around with and do noth...


is one week away. Yay!

The baby's bum

First off- did you know it was already Thursday? I really thought I would be able to make this post early in the week. Instead of writing a bunch, how 'bout a list of things on my mind: 1) I did in fact manage to complete the things on my list for last weekend. Most important being making some baby bum wipes. Cloth wipes? you say, and I say, Yes! because if I am using cloth diapers I should at least try using cloth wipes too. I do have to say this is the most boring sewing project. I almost could nap while sewing it was so simple... The coolest part was getting to use an old flannel sheet that I picked up at a thrift store a while ago. Keep your eyes peeled for this fabric as it figures into this weekends project as well. 2) I ordered diaper covers from a wonderful woman named Kara on esty and they arrived this week. Can I tell you how much I love them?? The cuteness is killing me. Please visit her shop , tell her I sent you if you buy things and admire her work. She wa...