On sleep

The bug's bed

This is the mobile I made the first week we were home but just hung a couple weeks ago. It is simple using just felt, yarn, floss and a embroidery hoop. It is hanging from a lamp we haven't used since the Bug has been sleeping under it.

This what his bed looks like right now from our perspective.

The bug's bed

Between the new mirror (graciously lent by his Aunt Erica) and the mobile he now spends more time awake happily on his way to sleep and after waking. I find him smiling and cooing at himself in the mirror and gazing at the shapes on the mobile as they float about above him quite often. It is light enough from the street light that he can see the shapes even at night. We are very lucky that he sleeps well and wakes gently. Now he has some entertainment that doesn't involve us and he can spend time concentrating and focusing his eyes. All of that is good for him right now.

The other night we went to Ikea and bought him a thin mattress for his own room. As soon as that is set up I am going to start putting him down for naps in there. We are going with the Montessori no crib thing. I can now imagine him sleeping in his own room so I want to prepare him for the transition so it isn't a shock. It won't happen next week or anything, but sooner than later.

Speaking of sleep, I started a new project while he is sleeping this week... I can't wait to share the finished product! Hopefully I will finish before next year!

For Emerson 007


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